Okay, so I’ve been struggling a lot lately with my outside-of-work productivity. I’m great at work. Totally fine. Getting stuff done. Being productive. When I get home…maybe get one chore done (a pressing one) then I go in to relaxation mode.

I went to this great event with my good friend John last week. Boston Talks at WGBH out here in Boston. Super fun event. Will definitely make an effort, going forward, to attend it from here on out. It got my creative juices flowing. Now I just need to figure out how to sustain them. I think getting out more would help a bit. Attend events. Go out to dinner in a different part of the city more often (as opposed to hanging around our regular haunts near our apartment). We’ll see.

I was at a wedding last weekend. It was a lot of fun. I talked with another friend of mine who just got a new job as an Engineer. Fantastic. Anyway, he got the job largely (or so he made it seem) based on the fact he built this web app. What the app does is super useful for him and pretty neat. Grabbing hashtags via Twitter’s API and then using an Etsy API to push them to his Etsy page. Pretty cool. Though, after I grilled him on how it worked and how he built it, I thought “Wow…I could build that too.”

There is my problem. Tons of ideas. No execution. So, how to get home and be productive…that’s what I’m aiming to figure out. Hopefully I’ll get it sorted out soon. I’d like to get in to the swing of things of doing more than just a 9-to-5 and then chilling.