Greetings all. I just wanted to put together a place where I can post some thoughts and other musings. I’ll aim to write a lot about coding and document my work with that. Maybe this will create some sort of accountability and I’ll get better about getting stuff done on the coding-front.

A bit about myself: I’m a Northeastern educated graduate(two degrees, most recently an MBA) and a Certified Scrum Master.

I also attended General Assembly’s Web Development Immersive in NYC back in early-2014 where I really dove in to web development with some amazing classmates and instructors.

I’m also a rather big geek. You can read in to that however you might, but I love tabletop games (board, card, and RPGs), videogames of all sorts, sports, craft beer, whiskey, wine, food, hiking, camping, snow, etc…

So, feel free to hit me up however you might if you feel so compelled. Otherwise, I hope you’ve enjoyed your time here.